Call for Solutions: Bidirectional EV Charging (V2G) Technologies for Grid Stabilization
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Overview & Ideas
Denmark is one of the leading countries in the green energy transition, with a strong ambition to move towards 100% renewable energy. As part of the transition, we expect a fast growth in the market share of Electric Vehicles (EVs). The charging infrastructure for this fleet of EVs can either be a huge burden to the grid, or it could be a balancing force that can provide both stability and future use of electricity in mobility and other applications.
In order to facilitate a bidirectional EV network, we need to design and facilitate a platform that will enable this, with all stakeholders including governments, users, car manufacturers, EV charging operators etc.
We are looking for tech solutions that will enable bidirectional charging, including but not limited to:
- Data Solutions to provide insights to all stakeholders
- Bidirectional charging technologies
- Machine Learning & AI solutions to optimize charging patterns
- (Real-time) energy trading technology with the possibility to introduce incentives
- Car identifiers, EG through blockchain solutions, to enable identification and communication to the car battery
- User interfaces to empower & incentivize the user to optimize their charging needs
- Applications of OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) or other relevant protocols
If you submit your solution, it will be considered as a potential ‘piece of the puzzle’ for the future business models around Vehicle to Grid systems.
100% green transition of the energy systems is one of the most important keys to halting global climate change.
Every day, we work with designing, maintaining, developing and expanding energy systems that will make it possible to use renewable energy for everything. In Denmark and globally.
Renewable and green energy is one of the most important prerequisites for creating a world in which people can thrive and live good lives without causing damage to future generations or the current population on the globe. A world in which global climate change has been slowed down.
The purpose of DataHub is to ensure uniform communication methods and standardized processes for professional participants in the electricity market in order to stimulate competition and optimize market conditions for electricity consumers.
Every piece of information about the electricity consumption of Danish consumers is stored in DataHub, which also handles business processes, such as change of address, change of supplier etc.
DataHub has the capacity to process metered data and business processes for all 3.3 million Danish electricity consumers. For instance, when grid operators submit readings for a metering point to DataHub, it transfers the information to the applicable electricity supplier, who is then able to bill the consumer.